
Busy writing about

I’m on assignment trying to meet deadlines. The constant rain, a needy toddler, a household to manage – not helping.

Here are a couple of beautiful spaces that I’ve written about recently. I’ll be back soon!

Hotel Leivatho, Cephalonia, Greece

The Book Club, Shoreditch, London

Dar Hi Hotel, Tunisia

APBC Offices, Kuala Lumpur

Wellington Airport, NZ

The TreeHotel, Sweden

Wanderlust Hotel, Singapore

Private residence by Ar. Marcio Kogan

All articles are for Home Review magazine. Have you seen its edgy new design?


  1. Hey this is awesome!!

    Just wanted to inform you that there is something wrong with the layout of the blog. I can't see the header that you have and in my case I am also getting a horizontal scroll on my screen. And the main stories have shifted almost mid of the page and aligned to the extreme left. Everything above the content is blank.

    Good luck for completing your "to dos"!! :)

  2. Okay! May be its not just your blog.. but some more blogs. Sorry for the confusion! :P

  3. wow that NZ airport looks amazing, great architecture!!!
