
Indoor plants with drama

Growing up, we always had plants in and around the home. Lush pothos in a two-tiered brass plant stand, in glass bottles here and there, in an old teapot. My mum has green fingers and she loves growing flowers in the little balcony of the apartment where she lives now. As a result, I find myself increasingly attracted to images that have plants in them. I subconsciously look for ideas on what to grow, how tall, where to place, what kind of containers to use. Plants survive with me, but I’m looking to elevate my efforts at greening  the house to something more – something extravagant, something spectacular, perhaps.
Our house (my husband’s family home in Goa) is about 200 years old and has very tall ceilings. Small pots and plants get dwarfed here, as do the little knick-knacks which just seem like clutter in this space, whereas they’d look great in an apartment. I want drama, something that will add to the character of the rooms, yet be easy to maintain. There’s very little (none) direct sunlight within the house, though, so that will narrow my choice of plants substantially. A fiddle-leaf fig in one corner will be gorgeous, but I’m not sure if the rest of the family will agree to having a ‘tree’ in the dining room.
In my inspiration file…
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Any recommendations for indoor plants that don’t mind the lack of light?


  1. Hello lovely! Just stopped by to say that's quite an interesting blog you've got there. :)
    I've recently opened my eyes to decor blogs. So I'm definitely bookmarking this one.

  2. hi, let me know any recommendation you have , on a look out for large indoor plants for my living area..would love to learn from your experience
