
A new playroom

I was getting a little tired of constantly tripping over my three-year olds toys in the dining room, so while Mr. R is away, I spent some time rescuing an unused portion of the house and turned it into a playroom for M. This room used to be my husband’s study/toy room when he was younger. His studies up to his MBBS were done here, but over the last few years it turned into a storage space and was not very useful at all.

The lack of proper storage is a big issue in this old house. So I purchased some industrial units , just simple steel racks with shelves and all the things (including the Christmas tree) fit onto it comfortably. Once the floor was clear, the possibilities were immense.

After cleaning and scrubbing and dusting and wiping and shifting, we put some toys in. M couldn’t wait!

We chased away the pigeons (and now can dare to open these windows), but these colourful birds are always welcome.



I bought a map so that M can see where our friends are (and keep track of his father as he travels within the US, plans disrupted a little by Hurricane Sandy). And of course, we need Thomas and his friends to share the room with.


Chalk train tracks, storage for puzzles, lots of floor space to experiment with.


Inexpensive storage for puzzles, games and random toys.


More maps to help find the penguins and the kangaroos.


The view outside the window.


And the view when we pretend that the traffic has magically vanished.


The view out of M’s playroom door. More place to cycle!



Love grows here.


I’ve got so many plans for this room (thank you for the inspiration, Pinterest). There’s going to be some more kid-friendly art, M’s own paintings on a line, a rug or two, a chalkboard, a basket for his crayons and brushes and some huge floor cushions. I’m so pleased with how easily this room took shape even though a lot of elbow grease was required to clean it up. I do hope M uses it for a long time and that the space evolves as he grows.

What do you think? Come and play with us!

(All images by me.)


  1. The colourful birds with bells looks so amazing..loving it.
    and that balloon map..hehe too cute.


  2. The room with the beautiful view has come up well..

  3. This is is such a pleasure to give a makeover to your own space. The house pic looks lovely. Waiting to see the additions.

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