
Dear Grace

Flummoxed by the never-ending zillion updates on Facebook, Twitter, RSS feeds, Instagram, Pinterest and god-knows-what-else? I love computers and can find my way through new sites and apps easily. But, honestly, keeping track with social media is hard work. For me, it takes the shape of blogging, tweeting and facebooking for several profiles – my personal pages, for this blog, and ghost-writing for other clients which includes twitter and FB. It’s a lot of work and thank goodness for applications like Tweetdeck which help me filter the steady rush of updates from around the world.

Everybody’s favourite blog design*sponge has a beautiful post on Social Media Etiquette which you absolutely must read if you want to make sense of this thing. Do’s and Don'ts from leading bloggers (including Joy of Oh Joy!, Victoria of sfgirlbybay, Greg from Apartment Therapy and Lucy from The Design Files)make you wince, realising that perhaps you have committed a faux pas or three. I, personally, admit to bombarding people’s feeds with tweets and status updates. That’s because I tend to do them all at once when I get the bug. I’m a little more sensible about it now, updating occasionally or scheduling updates when it is not breaking news.

Hop on to design*sponge then and see if you can learn something new today. Thank me later :)

Image via d*sponge

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