
The Paris Wife – a blogging coincidence

This blog is hibernating while I try and rescue my days from the clutches of a dozen energetic young Spanish musicians who are here to work with our music charity this summer. The days are filled with orchestra rehearsals in our living room (fifteen musicians, their instruments and other paraphernalia), the sounds of Bach reverberating through our wooden floors, filling the house with a magical hum. My mornings and late evenings are crammed with squeezing out desperate minutes to meet writing deadlines. The monsoons are in full bashing splendour right now and while that is fine in all its romantic glory, the rains bring illness and in the last five weeks, we’ve had two repeat cases of the flu (for everybody in the family). The four year old is off school right now with a fever and looks like I’ll be next. Oh to be able to sit in a quiet corner with a soothing cup of vanilla coffee and a book…

That’s not going to happen anytime soon. To calm my frayed nerves I took a sneaky break today and peeked at one of my favourite blogs, Once Upon a Tea Time. And there, among pictures of beautiful rooms and welcoming teapots, was a post on The Paris Wife, a book, coincidentally, that sits facing me on my desk. The Paris Wife has long been on my to-read list and I was very pleased to discover it in a remaindered sale from a local bookshop. Hemingway’s life and loves are legendary. Add Paris to the mix and you have the perfect setting for a book filled with delicious prose, history and a generous dash of romance.

I’m so excited that one of my favourite bloggers is also going to be reading and writing about the book this August.

Have you read The Paris Wife? Join Priya’s bookclub!

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