
May Day, May Day!


May 1 is Worker’s Day around the world. We’ve already had a major rally here in Goa this morning with workers unions parading into town with their red flags. Freelancers don’t have holidays though (or unions, for that matter). So while the corporate world (in India, at least) takes the day off, we still scrimmage for a few writing minutes here and there.

If you’re in the same boat, here’s some May Day art to inspire you to stay afloat. Don’t send out those SOS signals yet :)

2012 May Day poster from the USA.


May Day poster


Occupy's May Day poster for Seattle's "General Strike"


#occupy #mayday #may1st    Occupy Eduate Strike    May 1 - May Day - 2012


John Emerson's crowdsourced May Day poster (via Mechanical Turk, Facebook & Twitter


How are you celebrating May Day?

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