
A River of Stones (coming soon…to Verse Days)

I'm a sucker for writing challenges. I find that they as as effective as deadlines in order to get me writing. I try to complete NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) every November, for example. This year, I successfully posted every day in November on two of my blogs, which I'm happy about. Then, I use prompts sent by the lovely Lisa Romeo to jog my writing. They usually end up as verse, which again I'm happy about because I don't write verse as much as I used to.

I've signed up for a new challenge starting January called 'NaSmaStoMo' (National Small Stones Month) which encourages participants to post a 'stone' every day. According to the 'River of Stones' site, "a small stone is a polished moment of paying proper attention".

I'll be posting my stones on my other blog - the one where my occasional verse is hidden.

NaSmaStoMo sounds like a fun thing to do - would you like to join in?

Get your badge here....

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